My Favorite Things….

In case you have ever wondered what products I use or endorse, wonder no longer.
Over the past several months, I’ve been building a list of my favorite products. Why? Because I am constantly sending athletes recommendations, one link at a time. Now, it’s easily accessible for both you and me; just go to the “Store,” or better known as “Susan’s Favorite Things.”
My goal is to save you the heartache when faced with too many options, such as the triathlon retail market. Seriously, department stores freak me out. I don’t need that many choices. And if you are anything like me, when you google, for example, ‘sports nutrition’ you are inundated with too many options.
This list represents the culmination of winners over the past ten+ years. I’ve spent a lot of money on products, and some I felt were a waste of money. The Store comprises everything under the “triathlon” sun that I LOVE related to performance, gear, skincare, books, nutrition products, etc. If it’s on this list, it is my go-to.
Now I realize we may not always gravitate to the same products. We are all unique in our preferences and that’s a good thing! If there is a product you love and think I should give it a try, please share it with me. I’ll give it a solid test drive.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Note, I receive a small referral fee when you make a purchase using the affiliate links. However, whether you purchase an item through my affiliate link or directly on Amazon, the price remains the same for you.
So, the next time you’re looking for the right supplement, swim bike or run gear, sunscreen, sports hydration or fuel you didn’t know you needed, check out Susan’s Favorite Things first!”